Hard Water Problems :
Well water or bore-hole water usually contain high levels of calcium carbonate as can areas where there are high TDS. This can cause a build-up of lime scale barn, milking parlor and house, has substantially reduced scaling problems.
Lime scale build-up can prevent such equipment from working efficiently and result in the frequent breakdown of equipment and loss of production.

without jaldoot Water Conditioners

Soft Water Benefits With Jaldoot Water Conditioners :
Jaldoot Water Conditioners system, which is treating the water supply from the well to the barn, milking parlor and house, has substantially reduced scaling problems
Improves the taste of water especially if hydrogen sulfide or chlorine is in the water delivery system.
Improves minerals contain of water and benefits to animals health.
Saves equipment replacement and repair cost and improve profit-loss performance to entire operation.
Reduce overall dairy maintenance

with jaldoot Water Conditioners