Hard Water Problems :
Well water or bore-hole water usually contain high levels of calcium carbonate as can areas where there are high TDS. This can cause a build-up of lime scale in pipes, boilers, chillers, thermostats, elements and fittings on hatchery machines. Lime scale build-up can prevent such equipment from working efficiently and result in the frequent breakdown of equipment and loss of production.

without jaldoot Water Conditioners

without jaldoot Water Conditioners

Soft Water Benefits With Jaldoot Water Conditioners :
It cleans the Nipple, Drinker, and Sprinkler & Spray by removing scaling on it
It do not allow to deposit the scale by cleaning the drinking cone and cooling panel
It increases the effectiveness of medicines given through water which nourishes birds better
It increases the life instruments related to water (water heaters, boilers, & cooling pad) in poultry
Pure form of calcium in water helps to increase the weight of birds
Increase the thickness of egg over and help to reduce the loss
Avoids bad effects of chlorine in water on birds
You can easily recover the cost of machine through increased production
Reduces the infection and diseases through water
Birds will get benefits by improvements

with jaldoot Water Conditioners